Kung Fu has the best weapons! From variety, size, shape, use and historical and social context, China’s vast history is deep and unique. We train in all Traditional categories:
- Blade
- Pole
- Blunt
- Hinged
- Flexible
- Exotic or Ceremonial
Our weapons include (but are not limited to):
- Shaolin 2 Brothers staff
- Xing Yi 5 element staff
- Tomahawk
- Melon Hammers
- Shaolin Double Daggers
- Chainwhip
- Ropedart
- Double Broadsword
- Tiger/Tornado Broadsword
- Kwan Dao
- Spear
- Wind staff
- Magic staff
- Wind demon staff
- Tong family Miaodao
- Mushashi 3 cuts Aiado
- Broadsword and Shield
- Katana
- Drunken Staff
- Pu dao
- Judges Pen
- Fu Hook swords
- Iron war fan
- Fillipeno and Indonesian stick and bladed weapons (too many to list!)
- Machete
- Ninjato
- Broken Spear
- 8 Drunken Immortals Straight Sword
- Chen Jiin
- San Cai Jiin
- Heavy Pole
- Long Pole
- Iron Ring
- Various Knife Styles
Weapons Training generally begins at the Intermediate level. Click here to get started!